Our Mission

Revolutionize Cancer Care with the Power of Exercise

Revolutionize Cancer Care with the Power of Exercise

We are an interdisciplinary team with a track record in hardware and software development, medical technology, B2B sales, sports science and exercise therapy.

Our Team

Alexander Krause


Thorsten Dargatz

Sports Science & Exercise Therapy

Jakub Pawlikowski

System & Hardware

Andreas Krause

Operations & Finance

Estefania Hernandez-Martin, PhD

Data Science & Clinical Affairs

Annalisa Baronetto

Software & AI

Marija Ivanovic, PhD

Signal Processing & AI

Marcus Semenec

Embedded Software

The Missing Pillar in Healthcare

Exercise has been proven to be extremely effective in the fight against numerous widespread and severe diseases like cancer. It is a vital therapeutic component.  Limited ressources, skills shortage and missing integration into care lead to it’s healing powers being greatly underutilized.  Increasing case numbers, sharply rising patient costs and ageing populations make scalable, digital solutions necessary. 


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